Sore throats can have many different causes, including dry air, allergies, bacterial infections, acid reflux, viral infections, and exposure to irritants. Sometimes a sore throat will go away on its own, or you may need to be prescribed antibiotics if it’s caused by an infection. If your child is complaining of a sore throat or you have one yourself, come to WesTex Urgent Care to receive the best diagnosis and treatment.

Sore throats related to acid reflux are usually resolved when patients take medicine and/or make lifestyle changes to control their reflux disorders. Sore throats related to environmental factors, such as dry air or exposure to irritants, will end when patients remove the cause. In most cases, we will prescribe medication to patients, regardless of the cause of their sore throats, to keep them comfortable and alleviate the pain.

In rare cases, we might refer certain patients to specialists if the cause of the sore throat isn’t clear.


Sore throats can last anywhere from a day to a few days. If you’ve had a sore throat for more than a week or two after receiving treatment, we advise you to call a referred specialist.

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